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Apps Development

Will AI Take Over The World?

Artificial Intelligence has already started its dominance in different spheres of our life. But, will it surpass human thinking abilities in the near future? Although technology is intended to ease our lives and everyday tasks, AI has raised some concerns. We fear that it may wipe out humanity totally in the future years. 

Is there any potential of assuming AI as the supreme technology? It should be able to predict the future accurately. In this case, we need to refer to the quantum theory to find the answer. According to this theory, predicting the future is not easy due to the randomness of the universe. But, you can claim that our inability to predict the future is because of a lack of intelligence.

Intelligence is a complicated, abstract concept. There are some components, which constitute intelligence. One of them is the capability of solving problems by foretelling the future.

AI replicating the human brains

AI is a technology that imitates the way how human brain works. However, its present status does not mimic our brain perfectly. Software companies that rely on AI solutions try to provide the best user experience. AI systems interact like human beings. AI-enabled apps must also learn like humans by obtaining, processing, and storing information for future use.

AI can never eliminate human beings

Find the limitation of this technology. 

  • AI will not take away your job

Humans create robots with creativity and skills. Thus, jobs, which need creativity, should involve human beings. In a skill-based economy, humans play an important role. Nowadays, handcrafted things are getting popular due to genuineness and quality.

  • AI robots are not a cost-effective choice

The efficiency of robots is undeniable. However, as the world is big, it is not easy to implement robots everywhere. Furthermore, AI robots are costly at present. Manufacturers and companies can use them in scenarios where their profits go beyond the costs. Thus, although AI will be used in several fields, it will not be present everywhere. Companies can never fire their workforce.

  • Absence of legal powers

Some advanced AI robots may be super-intelligent. But, they are nothing more than machines. They can never gain the right to possess property or cast a vote. Though machines are getting smarter, we cannot become dumb. Intelligent robots will play an advisory role to some human beings.

  • Learn about the importance of AI

Although AI cannot gain 100% dominance, we must not overlook its value. Without AI robots, there will be no technological advancements. AI will deeply analyze data by applying neural networks. It has now become easy to build a scam detection system. Moreover, regularities can be easily noticed by AI.

To conclude, Artificial Intelligence and other technologies are essential for technological development. However, we have to know the right way to use them for optimal benefits. It is true that AI has the potential to outperform some human tasks. But, in most cases, it has only the capability of emulating our abilities to respond to tasks.



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